We will never be like father, father’s bad qualities will never affect us ! Mother is everything to us! Words by Madhav Gopi Sundar .. Gopi Sundar is a blessed music director who has made invaluable contributions to the world of Malayalam music, but even today he is receiving criticism for his personal life,
but Gopi also shouts that no matter what, he will live his life the way he wants. Now, some of the words that Gopi’s son Madhav had once said about his father are getting attention again. Madhav and Yadav are the children born to Gopi’s first wife Priya,
of which the words of the elder son Madhav Gopisundar about his father are now getting noticed again on social media. Madhav Gopisunder says that for him everything is his mother and he doesn’t care about his father and he doesn’t mind him.